【有獎徵答】Emerald 躺平族的逆襲: 探索世界各地Z世代勞工的生活!快來抽Marshall藍牙喇叭



這次Emerald eJournal quiz挑選了四篇有關各國工作環境及動態的文章,讓我們一起來了解全球Genz的工作環境吧。





○ 一獎:Marshall Emberton II攜帶式藍牙喇叭

○ 二獎:7-11 NT$300 10位


1. 確認您的裝置連線於貴校網域內,否則可能無法點閱文章。

2. 每人登錄次數每天限一次,可累積抽獎機會,最多累積四十次,越容易抽中!

3. 本活動開放給台灣所有大學的在校學生及現任教職員參加。

4. 中獎通知發出後10個工作天內未回覆的話,我們會視同您放棄獎品,重新抽獎喔!


Title: The Rise of Gen Z Workforce

Work-life balance and flexible working hours have become important factors for Gen Zers regarding employment.

Is Generation Z about to change the existing work patterns?

We have selected four articles that share the new phase of the working environment.

Let's see what impact Gen Z has made as they enter the workforce.

📍Quiz: https://forms.office.com/e/AZgueC5QSn

📍Event Period: From now until 2024/05/31 Friday 17:00


1st prize: Marshall Emberton II portable speaker for 1 lucky winner

2nd prize: 7-11 $300 gift cards for 10 lucky winners

📍Event Details:

1. Please ensure that your device is connected to the network of your institution, otherwise you may not be able to have access to the articles.

2. Each person is limited to one submission per day. The total number of submissions for one participant is capped at 40 during the quiz period.

3. This quiz is only Limited to Current students and faculty members in the University in Taiwan.

4. If the winners do not respond within 10 working days after the notification is sent, we will consider it as giving up the prize and proceed to redraw.